Research, repair, regenerate


25-27th of September 2024

Young Investigator Pre-conference
on 24th of September 2024

How to Become a Sponsor

Join Us as a Sponsor at ETRS-WHS-SkinTERM 2024

Dear Valued Potential Sponsor,

We are reaching out to extend an exclusive invitation for your esteemed organization to become a part of the ETRS-WHS-Skinterm 2024, bringing together the brightest minds in tissue engineering, wound healing, and skin therapeutics.


Why Sponsor?

As a sponsor of ETRS-WHS-Skinterm 2024, you will have a unique opportunity to showcase your brand, products, and services to a targeted audience of specialists who are leading the way in medical innovation. Sponsoring this event not only elevates your visibility within the industry but also demonstrates your commitment to supporting the development of cutting-edge tissue repair research and practices.

Exhibitors' Prospectus

To provide you with a detailed overview of the sponsorship opportunities available, we invite you to review our Exhibitors’ Prospectus. This comprehensive guide outlines various sponsorship packages, exhibition space details, and additional promotional opportunities designed to maximize your organization’s exposure and engagement with conference attendees.

Interested in Learning More?

For more details or to discuss your sponsorship options, please contact us at We are excited about the possibility of partnering with your organization and look forward to the opportunity to welcome you as a key contributor to ETRS-WHS-Skinterm 2024.

Thank you for considering this unique opportunity. We believe that your support can make a significant impact on the success of our conference and the advancement of medical science.

Warm regards,

The ETRS-WHS-Skinterm 2024 Organizing Committee